First Meteor Shower of 2021 Peaks This Weekend
Meet the Quadrantids. An annual meteor shower that graces the skies right around January 1. This year the shower will be competing with the light of the moon, but if you're lucky you may be able to catch it in the sky this weekend.
During the pre-dawn hours of January 3, look to the sky to try to catch a glimpse of the Quadrantid meteors. If you are lucky enough to reside in the western part of North America, where it is still dark at around 5:30 AM PT take a look to the sky and hope that the moon doesn't compete with this cosmic light show.

Fuji Mountain and the Quadrantids
The narrow peak time for this shower is not uncommon, but it can supply 50-100 meteors in a short time. Every year the Quadrantid meteor shower is a little different, but knowing that the above time prediction, is just that, a prediction! The best way to see the shower is to take a chance and look up!