On Thursday, July 30th at 7:50A ET in Cape Canaveral, Florida, NASA successfully launched its Mars Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter into orbit with the help of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541 rocket. The mission? Search for signs of ancient life on the red planet.
Learn about whether our ancient ancestors were healthier than we are; why Neptune is sometimes further away from the sun than Pluto; and how to know if you’re an echoist, which is the polar opposite of a narcissist.
Ahead of the historic May 27th NASA and SpaceX crewed space launch, test your space exploration knowledge!
(Updated) The May 30th launch is set to mark the first launch on US soil with US astronauts in nine years. Watch SPACE LAUNCH LIVE: AMERICA RETURNS TO SPACE on Discovery starting at 2P ET.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories from Curiosity.com to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
Learn about why researchers have broken down the smell of old books; new research that shows why your brain has a kind of Spider-sense; and the Panspermia theory that human life originally came from outer space.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
Learn about how bumblebees bite plants to make them bloom early; why loving your job too much could lead to unethical behavior; and how Jupiter’s largest moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto each built themselves up from a single grain of dust.
Learn about why asteroids can have rings; spiders that actually nurse their young; and Tāne Mahuta, a massive tree that’s been known to bring visitors to tears.
Learn about new insights into the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, which was created by America’s largest asteroid impact; why birds sing; and why your bruises change colors while they heal.
Learn about whether hurricanes with female names are deadlier than those with male names; research into why so many different cultures see the same things in constellations; and, animals besides lab rats that are essential to science.
Learn about how someone can change their identity (and their mind); and “mushballs” on Uranus and Neptune. Plus: trivia!
Learn about the Space for Art Foundation; how screen time helped kids in lockdown; and mold vs. cleaning product safety.
Learn about how a psychologist named B.F. Skinner proved that pigeons can be superstitious; the science of histamines and why allergy medications make us sleepy; and the 5 ages of the universe, including the Stelliferous Era we’re in right now.
Learn about research-based advice for staying happy in your later years, from neuroscientist and author Daniel Levitin. Then, you’ll learn about how a faraway star helped researchers figure out when the Milky Way was formed.