Learn which is more important, sleep or exercise; why you’ve never seen a picture of the whole Milky Way; a trick for falling asleep any time, anywhere, with a military-tested trick; and why your voice sounds different when you hear a recording of yourself.
Learn about how many friends you can have at one time, according to research; why you might like talking to strangers more than you realize; and the golden record NASA once launched into space.
Learn CASIS’ criteria for getting approval for a science experiment in space; when is the right time to get your flu shot; and the top 10 relationship deal breakers, according to research.
Today, you’ll hear our interview with Richard Garriott, the president of the Explorers Club.
Learn about how agricultural experts make new types of apples; why the dwarf planet Ceres has a giant ice volcano; and why space matters, with some help from former NASA rocket scientist Kevin J. DeBruin.
Learn about Ivan Pavlov’s dogs, and why you might not know them as well as you thought. Then, learn about the three types of perfectionism that are ruining your life. Plus: if the universe is expanding, then what is it expanding into?
Learn about the link between birthdays and COVID-19; “psychological richness” for a good life; and satellites vs. stars.
Learn about why high school starts too early; why daydreaming might be a good sign; and finding life on Hycean planets.
Learn about how your lover’s clothing could improve your sleep; how astronauts grew vegetables in space for the first time; and ancient animals that were connected by a crude version of the internet.
Learn about what it looks like when galaxies collide with one another; how to measure how sleepy you are using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale; and how much damage space junk the size of a pencil eraser can do.
Learn about new sustainability rules that could help us cut space debris; why you shouldn’t blow your nose when you have a cold; and why you unconsciously copy other people’s mannerisms.
Learn about what would happen if you could actually stop time, scientifically speaking; the incredible health and wellness benefits of leaving your phone out of your bedroom; and “The Goblin,” a new world beyond Pluto.
Learn about the invisible harms of thirdhand smoke; massive viruses that blur the line between the living and non-living; and why whales get lost during solar storms.
Learn about how scientists traced some of Earth’s heaviest elements to an ancient star collision; what to do if you’re lying in bed and you can’t sleep; and whether diet soda can help you lose weight.
Learn how humans can beat artificial intelligence by tapping into the wisdom of swarms (with some help from Dr. Louis Rosenberg, CEO of Unanimous AI). Plus: learn about what came before the Big Bang, and get a 5-minute hack for beating procrastination.