Learn how friction causes static electricity. Then, learn from renowned theoretical physicist Sean Carroll why understanding the Many Worlds Theory could be the best way for us to understand the universe.
Learn what causes that fresh rain smell; how astronauts can actually see cosmic rays; and a trick you can use to stop procrastinating called the “frog rule.”
Learn what NASA astronaut Nicole Stott learned from her time in outer space. Plus: whistled languages around the world.
Learn about why it’s okay to put play before work; a surprising reason why pirates may have worn eyepatches; and how life bounced back surprisingly quickly after the asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
Learn about how your lover’s clothing could improve your sleep; how astronauts grew vegetables in space for the first time; and ancient animals that were connected by a crude version of the internet.
Learn about the invisible harms of thirdhand smoke; massive viruses that blur the line between the living and non-living; and why whales get lost during solar storms.
Learn about the first private passenger going to space, thanks to SpaceX; a trick for setting goals that you can actually stick to; and myths about running that we’ll bust so you can run with some peace of mind.
Learn how we could look for advanced civilizations that are using tiny black holes as fuel; how fast you’d have to run on the Moon in order to stay on top of water; and which countries gave us the most world-famous magicians, pirates, and astronauts.
Learn about the Space for Art Foundation; how screen time helped kids in lockdown; and mold vs. cleaning product safety.
Learn about OSIRIS-REx, NASA’s first asteroid-sampling spacecraft, and why it’s about to make history; the moral dilemmas facing driverless car AI systems; and how many friends you can have at one time, despite what social media tells you.
Learn about why our collective attention span is shrinking; how you can increase your productivity by building “deep work” skills; and why eyeball planets may be our best bet for finding alien life.
Learn about the “second brain” in your gut; what makes Jupiter’s atmosphere so hot; and why placebo buttons are useful.
Learn how quickly previously trained muscles bounce back after inactivity; and how a black hole made a star explode.
Learn about how lockdown is changing our perception of time; how the most devastating meteor on record may have never even landed; and why it’s a big deal that elephants can catch contagious yawning from humans.
Learn about why we need memorials for medicine; NASA’s Phantom Torso experiment; and why we often overestimate outliers.