Learn what NASA astronaut Nicole Stott learned from her time in outer space. Plus: whistled languages around the world.
Learn about ploonets, which are moons that leave their planets; the unbelievable true story of D.D. Palmer, the first chiropractor; and, why humans kiss.
Learn from theoretical physicist Sean Carroll why we don’t understand how gravity works — and how we can figure it out. You’ll also learn about enormous balloon-like structures that scientists have discovered in the center of our galaxy.
Learn about why metals, fruit, and vegetables spark in the microwave, and the 1-3-5 method for arranging your to-do list. Plus, hear a couple lesser-known stories from the 20th-century space race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, with some help from a special guest, Dr. David Warmflash.
Learn which is more important, sleep or exercise; why you’ve never seen a picture of the whole Milky Way; a trick for falling asleep any time, anywhere, with a military-tested trick; and why your voice sounds different when you hear a recording of yourself.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories from Curiosity.com — and talk to Dr. Michael Greger, internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of NutritionFacts.org — to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
Learn about how mice seem to feel each other’s pain; why our known solar system just got a little bigger thanks to “Farfarout” 2018 AG37; and the history of quinine, the malaria cure that eventually led to the gin and tonic.
Learn about why pop songs are getting sadder; a mysterious radio signal coming from outer space every 16 days; and why it pays to be yourself when you’re in a high-stakes situation.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
Hear about a slingshot launching payloads into space, the impressively modern-looking world’s oldest pants, and how moth wings are able to absorb sound to avoid detection from bats.
Learn why Easter Island never had a population collapse; and how scientists are measuring the expansion of our universe.
Learn about OSIRIS-REx, NASA’s first asteroid-sampling spacecraft, and why it’s about to make history; the moral dilemmas facing driverless car AI systems; and how many friends you can have at one time, despite what social media tells you.
Learn about how lockdown is changing our perception of time; how the most devastating meteor on record may have never even landed; and why it’s a big deal that elephants can catch contagious yawning from humans.
Learn about what would happen if you could actually stop time, scientifically speaking; the incredible health and wellness benefits of leaving your phone out of your bedroom; and “The Goblin,” a new world beyond Pluto.
Updated July 1, 2020 Six Days. Two spacewalks. Both Successful.