The Garden

1 Season
S1 E4 11/12/23

A Tale of Two Tylers

After his pleas to stay, the community votes to accept Tyler Milligan after his 10-day council. Now that he's in, he's ruffling feathers in the name of efficiency and getting more projects off the ground, leaving Tyler Covington feeling more ostracized and disgruntled by the day. His discontent gets back to Tyler M., who confronts him about speaking poorly of the community. This is the final straw for Tyler C., who prepares to leave immediately. On his way out, Tyler C. accuses Tree of being the cult leader, blaming him for creating a hierarchical society. Meanwhile, Jessica continues to push herself out of her comfort zone -- a fellow female builder, Julia, takes Jessica under her wing. While on a restocking trip into society, Tree debunks her disgust at dumpster diving by showing how much food waste truly happens in the US. Back home in LA, Jessica would never have done either of these things -- but here in The Garden, she sheds her old persona and settles into her new one, fake nails falling off one by one. Later, Tree and Tyler discuss their opposing visions for the land. Tree wants to create a party space, while Tyler wants to consolidate power and end consensus -- has Tyler become the cult leader after all?
