Moonshiners Share their Favorite Memories from 130-Plus Years of Experience
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Steven Ray Tickle
1. How many years have you been making moonshine?
Started off making really bad beer, and decided after that moonshine might be easier, about 12 years ago I got my start.
2. Describe moonshining in three words.
Don’t. Get. Caught.
3. Most memorable moonshining moment?
My most memorable moonshining moment is when my wife came to the still site and found me asleep in front of a bucket filling up with moonshine. She reminds me of it often and so it’s my most memorable.
4. Favorite moonshine you've ever made?
I’m very partial to Rye Moonshine, because it is one of the hardest to get right. And a true moonshiner ain't afraid of a challenge.
5. Message for the fans:
We got a lot more comin’ - keep on watchin!