Learn about how some male cuttlefish “cross-dress” to woo the ladies. You’ll also learn how to persuade people in a world where facts don’t seem to matter, with help from author Lee Hartley Carter.
Learn about how to choose the right cooking method for different cuts of meat; how to figure out the perfect temperature for your meat; pro tips for searing and tempering; and the best way to capture that juicy flavor, including the science of what’s actually happening to those juices while you’re cooking.
Achieving goals can be difficult, but that may be because you're setting the wrong goals in the first place. That's why happiness expert and executive coach Stella Grizont returns to the Curiosity Podcast to discuss how to set the right goals and how to overcome the challenges of sticking to them.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories from Curiosity.com to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
Learn about 12 science-based tips for better meetings; common dinosaur myths you should stop believing; and what happened when 17-year-old Randy Gardner stayed awake for 11 days, for science.
Learn about how a 4-year-old can help you unblock your creativity; how we figured out what color dinosaurs were; and why you should never hit the snooze button.
Learn about how to find out what type of loneliness you’re feeling so you can figure out how to deal with it; the psychological reason why you love being part of a crowd; and the four communication styles that can predict the end of a marriage.
Learn how tool use and language work in the brain; and why black holes get bigger due to the expansion of the universe.
Learn about how watching Spider-Man may reduce arachnophobia; how the biggest volcano eruption in history may have made one of the world’s most classic horror stories possible; and a 100-point plan to organize your day to get more done.
Learn about why people have illusions of control; that time scientists made desert ants walk on stilts to test the pedometer hypothesis; and how to reduce your chances of getting hurt when you fall.
Hosts Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss a story about the darkest town in America (when it’s not hosting Burning Man), then learn about how redheads experience pain differently (with some help from Natalia Reagan), to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes!
Learn about why it’s harder to clean grease off of plastic than glass; how zoos use their own version of dating apps for breeding programs; and why science says you don’t have to be married to be happy.
This area is one of the last uncharted places left on the map.
Learn about how frequent daydreaming may be killing your mood, why ancient Greek temples were purposely built on fault lines; and the invisible forces that make you do the things you do, with author Bill Sullivan.
Learn about how quitting smoking may reawaken healthy cells; how researchers figured out how to tell the age of crime scene fingerprints to help investigators; and why you sometimes yawn while exercising or singing.