Great White Sharks
Learn more about one of the largest predatory animals in the ocean.
Great White Sharks
Great Whites prefer cool water close to the coast.
Great White Sharks
The heaviest Great White Shark ever recorded was estimated to weigh in at 7,328 pounds!
Great White Sharks
Great Whites like to surprise their prey by coming up underneath it.
Great White Sharks
A Great White’s powerful tail can propel it up to 60 km/h.
Great White Sharks
A Great White’s mouth contains over three hundred teeth arranged in seven rows.
Great White Sharks
Great White Sharks usually hunt first thing in the morning, when visibility is low in the first two hours of sunlight.
Great White Sharks
Great White Sharks eat an average of 11 tons of food in a single year.
Great White Sharks
Great whites have a powerful sense of smell, they can detect the scent of blood in the water up to three miles away.
Great White Sharks
“Shark Alley” off the coast of Dyer Island in South Africa is where most of the world’s Great White Sharks live.
Great White Sharks
Female Great White Sharks grow much larger than males like most shark species.