Experience Sharks with Beneath The Waves

Take a dive with Beneath the Waves (BTW), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ocean health by using science and technology to catalyze ocean policy.

This team of researchers, scientists, and innovators has made it their mission to increase marine protected areas and conserve endangered species. By partnering with national leaders and local governments, they aim to inspire change in our oceans.

Experience the photography of BTW contributors Wilson Haynes, Hanan Atia, and Diego Camejo.

And watch BTW's Dr. Austin Gallagher at work in these SHARK WEEK Shows: TIGER QUEEN, BRAD PAISLEY'S SHARK COUNTRY, and DR PIMPLE POPPER POPS SHARK WEEK. Stream now on discovery+.

July 16, 2021
By: Beneath The Waves and Discovery

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