Marty Raney's adventures began in 1974 in the logging camps of Southeast Alaska. His very first home in Alaska was not only off grid, it was off land: a floating logging camp on Prince of Wales Island.
Marty married Mollee Roestel, and the Raneys moved to an extremely remote homestead in Haines, Alaska, surrounded by a very high concentration of Alaskan brown bears.
Alaskan life is not always easy. The family often lived without power, water, plumbing, or heat. Some would call this "roughing it," but make no mistake about it, it builds character. Living without modern conveniences inspires creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and an innate appreciation for all things simple. It bonds families.
Subsistence, living off the land, is an integral part of the Raneys lifestyle. Dip netting salmon, and annual moose, caribou, and sheep hunts are done as a family.
The children grew up in the family business: Alaska Stone and Log, which includes stone work, log work, and the use of natural building materials. The children peeled logs, quarried stone, and learned the value of hard work as well as old-world craftsmanship.
The Raneys live an artisan lifestyle building beautiful cabins, homes, and structures with the simplest of tools, which is the essence of homesteading and off grid construction. They have left a legacy of craftsmanship across Alaska.