Curiosity Daily Podcast: Why Birds Wore Funny Hats for Science

Learn about how curiosity gives your memory a boost; what happened when researchers put feathered hats on birds to see if other birds found them sexy; and how we trick bacteria into making insulin for us.

December 14, 2020

Episode Show Notes:

How Curiosity Gives Your Memory A Boost by Cody Gough

Researchers Once Put Feathered Hats on Birds to See if Other Birds Found Them Sexy by Cameron Duke

We Trick Bacteria Into Making Insulin For Us by Cameron Duke

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Shark Week: The Podcast - What is the Status of Sharks in our Oceans?

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Shark Week: The Podcast - Superstar Kesha Lifts the Gag Order on Saving Sharks

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Shark Week: The Podcast - Do Scientists Need to Kill Sharks?

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Shark Week: The Podcast - Lights! Camera! TEETH! Making Shark Docs

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