Welcome to 2021 Brood X, We've Been Expecting You

If you live in the Eastern US, it's likely the noisy entrance of the cicadas from Brood X as they emerge for the first time in 17 years, is the soundtrack to your day and night. So much has happened in the nearly two decades since this massive swarm of trillions of cicadas have emerged from the ground, but the sights and sounds of the cicadas will haunt and excite us for years to come.

At 3P ET on Saturday, May 22, head to @Discovery on TikTok for a 1-hr live stream to see Brood X in action.

During CICADA WEEK, starting at 9A ET on Monday, May 24, watch the 24/7 live CICADA CAM through Sunday, May 30 at 11P ET.

May 20, 2021
By: Discovery

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