The Underwater Shark Photography of Amos Nachoum
From the pages of The Explorers Journal, photographer Amos Nachoum finds zen to capture the ultimate apex predator on camera. Here's a look at his underwater shark photography.
A Fellow of The Explorers Club since 2004, Amos Nachoum specializes in expeditions to understand Earth’s largest creatures. More on his work can be found at
Connecting with "Other"
The author communes with a Great White, reading its complex body language.
Sense of Scale
The Great White can grow to a length of 6 meters and can weigh in at as much as 2,200 kilograms.
Leaving the Cage
Divers exit the protective cage in South Africa’s Shark Alley. Most observations of the Great White over the years have been recorded by caged divers.
A Moment of Trust
Communing with a Great White on its own terms requires an unusual pairing of heightened awareness and Zen-like calm.
A Sixth Sense
Ampullae of Lorenzini, a network of jelly-filled canals linked to dark pores visible on the Great White’s snout, enable the shark to detect electric fields generated by muscle contractions in
other living creatures and sense direction through electric fields ignited by ocean currents moving through Earth’s magnetic field.