Oh, Momma! Beluga Whale Qinu is Expecting
Qinu, a 13 year old beluga whale, is expecting a calf this summer. Georgia Aquarium is carefully monitoring this new mom-to-be. Check out her beluga bump dates and sea how Qinu is growing! We'll be sharing updates on her pregnancy journey, so check back for the latest.
THE AQUARIUM, which ran for two seasons on Animal Planet and provided viewers with a behind the scenes look at Georgia Aquarium, is available in its entirety to stream on discovery+.
Updated: June 17, 2021
Qinu is monitored throughout her pregnancy. In this photo from December 12, 2020, one of her trainers looks at Qinu’s growing ‘bump’!
In this photo from February 2021, Qinu and one of her trainers do a lay-out behavior to check on Qinu’s body condition and her ‘bump’!
Beluga whales’ gestation period is 14-15 months, which means mom does a lot of growing! In this photo from February 20, 2021, you can see Qinu continue to grow!
Qinu is Native Alaskan for ‘little slush of ice.’
Qinu is 13 years old and her calf is due sometime this summer.
Beluga whales are dark to light gray at birth. As they age, that fades to their iconic white color as seen with Qinu!
The top of a beluga’s head is called their melon. They can move this to create a variety of sounds, giving them the nickname, ‘sea canaries.’ Qinu has her own unique vocalizations!
Qinu’s appetite has increased with her pregnancy and she gets more of her favorite foods to help her and her calf grow!
Belugas are playful animals. Qinu is seen here blowing a few bubbles from her blowhole underwater!
Qinu receives a routine ultrasound from a veterinarian and her trainers. Ultrasounds, while most often used for pregnancy, are an important and routine part of all animal health care!
Ultrasounds, like the one being performed on Qinu, are routine and all the belugas at Georgia Aquarium take part in them voluntarily through training and positive reinforcement!
A closer look at one of Qinu’s ultrasounds. Her animal care and animal health team perform these regularly to monitor mom and calf!