Insects and Arachnids are Good for the Planet
Arachnophobia and Entomophobia defined. The fear of insects and arachnids is real, but what they do for our ecosystem is important and they are actually our creepy crawly friends.
noun: fear of insects
Human beings are exponentially larger, but a lot of people are scared insects and arachnids.
Maybe before we squash these tiny home invaders with our shoe or a rogue newspaper, we should learn about how they help us every day.
Many spiders keep the ecosystem in check and eat bothersome pests, like mosquitoes.
There are some insects that are important pollinators, like bees
And other are integral to the decomposition of waste like ants and some beetles.
Beyond their typical functions in the ecosystem, some insects help beyond their capabilities.
Spider silk, for its weight, is stronger than steel and is being actively used in medical research—from tissue repair to everyday stitches.
Beyond this, sometimes they are just beautiful to look at.
So before you break out the fly swatter or rolled up newspaper, think about bringing the bug that is bothering you outside instead.
We know you're scared sometimes.
But, give the bugs a chance!