If your worst nightmare had a soundtrack, it would feature this whistle.
These insects emit a glow a yellow-green hue.
A nuclear disaster proves that wildlife is resilient.
Grieving customs aren't just limited to humans.
These fungi are larger than blue whales and dinosaurs!
There's been a vast diversity of life that has existed is now extinct.
Daddy longlegs are one of the most venomous critters out there.
Our freshwater is locked up in the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
This normal-looking reptile may be the largest animal that ever existed.
This unforgiving plant will make you feel pain for years.
Rabies is rare, but most cases are associated with bats.
Are worms really an invasive pest outside of the garden?
These mysterious insects have one of the strangest life cycles in the natural world.
Contrary to popular belief, cats do like some people.
You only have a limited number of heartbeats in your life.