
A Gift Guide for Animal Lovers

If you're looking to get inspired by gift ideas, Best Friends Animal Society has some fun gifts for both people and animals this holiday season. The best part is, 100% of the proceeds from sales help to save the lives of homeless pets.

December 15, 2020

Become A Member

If you’re looking for non-material gifts, for $25 you can purchase or gift a membership to Best Friends Animal Society. The contribution goes straight to helping tens of thousands of animals—both at their Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah and through outreach and rescue programs all across the country.

Sponsor a Pet

You can sponsor or gift a sponsorship of an individual pet at the Best Friends Animal Society Sanctuary. With a gift of $25 or more, you’ll receive six bimonthly issues of Best Friends magazine. Plus, all donations are tax deductible.

Toys for Pets & Humans

At the Best Friends Shop, you can find something for every member of your family-- animal or human! From cat toys to yoga mats, there are so many options and 100% of the proceeds from sales go to help save homeless pets.

Fun Game for a Good Cause

Hit game creator Exploding Kittens has partnered with Best Friends Animal Society, donating $25,000 to the organization to help save homeless cats in honor of its newest game launch, “A Game of Cat & Mouth.” This is crucial to Best Friends’ goal of getting to no-kill by 2025, as cats are the most at-risk animals in shelters. “A Game of Cat & Mouth” is a fiercely competitive, magnet-powered, highly addicting, pinball-ish game.

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