10 Most Stunning Coral Reefs in the World
To spotlight ongoing coral reef conservation efforts, we’re highlighting some of the most beautiful coral reefs across the oceans.
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest reef system. It’s located off the coast of Australia and is home to a diverse array of marine life, including over 1,500 species of fish! Living corals are sat upon prehistoric structures that could date back 20 million years. Although climate change and coral bleaching are a major threat to this beautiful coral reef system, conservation efforts and reef protection measures could mean hope for the reef’s return.
Raja Ampat, Indonesia
The Raja Ampat islands are an archipelago of Indonesia known for coral reefs rich with aquatic life. With 537 different coral species, Raja Ampat’s biodiversity attracts scientists and visitors from all over the world.
Red Sea Coral Reef, Red Sea
Rainbow Reef, Fiji
Baros, Maldives
The Republic of Maldives is a small archipelagic country in the Indian Ocean: the coral reefs in Baros boast stunning populations of blacktip reef sharks, dolphins, and colorful fish. The richness of the coral reefs is abundant in their stunning colors and the beautiful ecosystems they create for the marinelife that calls Baros home.
New Caledonia Barrier Reef, New Caledonia
New Caledonia is a French territory located in the South Pacific. Its encircled by the world’s largest lagoon at over 9,000 square miles. The surrounding barrier reef is one of the largest in the world. It’s home to green, hawksbill, loggerhead and leatherback turtles, tropical birds, rare crabs and humpback whales. 30 protected marine reserves help keep the coral reef safe and make sure the natural environment remains healthy and thriving.
Belize Barrier Reef, Belize
The Belize Barrier Reef system is a UNESCO World Heritage site that provides a significant habitat for threatened and endangered species like marine turtles, manatees, and the American marine crocodile. So far, 70 hard coral species, 36 soft coral species, and 500 species of fish have been discovered in the reefs. Although, scientists estimate that only 10% of all the species living in the Belize Barrier Reef have been discovered.
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Philippines
Tubbataha Reef is a protected area of the Philippines located in the middle of the Sulu Sea. The site includes a pristine coral reef, extensive lagoons, and two coral islands. The natural park is part of the Coral Triangle, recognized for being a center of marine biodiversity. It contains 40% of the world’s reef fish. Tubbataha Reef contains 600 types of fish, 360 coral, 11 shark, 13 dolphin and whale, and 100 bird species.
Palancar Reef, Mexico
Palancar Reef is located on the Southwest side of the island of Cozumel. It is part of the second largest coral formation in the world. Palancar Reef is known as one of marine biologist Jacques Cousteau’s favorite reefs. He listed Conzumel as one of his top 10 divesights and conducted much of his pioneering in SCUBA and documentary in these beautfiul reefs.