Your Ultimate Guide to Road Trip Packing

Road trips are buckets of fun. But not so much when your car is stuffed to bursting, there’s nowhere to put your coffee because your cup holder is full of toiletries, your children/dog/grandmother is whining because they’re wedged between a cooking stove and the tent, and you can’t see out the back window because it’s piled high with things you don’t really even need.

So what’s the answer? Pack efficiently, and just take the necessary items, rather than the kitchen sink. Organization is key — make sure you’ve packed logically, so you’re not scrambling around at midnight to find your head torch, only to discover it alongside your toothbrush, rather, in the electrics bag where it should have been.

But organization aside, here’s what you definitely can’t leave off the road-trip list — clothes and underwear aside, of course.

June 16, 2021
By: Lucy Sherriff