Where White Water Is The Life Of The Party
The brand new series ‘WHITE WATER SUMMER’ is bringing oar-sized drama and party-hard nightlife to discovery+ on March 30!
Welcome to the “land of misfit toys”, also known as Maupin, Oregon, a tiny river town located on the Deschutes River. With an average population of 391, it explodes in the summer as tourists flock to “the Vegas of Oregon'' for the most notorious white water rafting adventures and partying in the Pacific Northwest. As temperatures rise, the inhibitions drop, so zip up your life jacket because this is gonna be a wild ride. From rowdy team bonding and love triangles to demanding overnight clients, and endless party nights, what happens in Maupin stays in Maupin, but there are no secrets in Maupin. An all-new discovery+ series “WHITE WATER SUMMER'' streaming on Wednesday, March 30, navigates viewers through the rapid turns of river life and what it truly means to get the ‘full Maupin experience.’

The Deschutes River is home to two rival rafting businesses: Imperial River Co., owned by Rob Miles, and River Trails Rafting, co-owned by Geoff and Valerie White. It’s up to their ‘esteemed’ raft guides to ensure the safety of clients with the wildest requests. But often nighttime excesses bleed into early morning river runs, and the messy personal drama is a constant challenge for the raft company owners. Wild child Kailyn, “the Deschutes River goddess,” is determined to figure out if she wants to take over the family business at River Trails Rafting or remain carefree in her dream life on the river. Derik, the charming yet cocky river guide, is entering his fourth raft season which just might be his last… If he doesn’t shape up, he might find himself without a paddle.
Unabashed newby Britt, otherwise known as “Dirtbag Barbie,” has zero guide experience and must learn the ins and outs of whitewater in order to make this summer worthwhile. Recently-single veteran guide, Mallory, hopes to broaden the horizons of this small town with little diversity while opening his heart to a flirtatious Maupin summer. And you can’t tempt Angelique, the river princess who’s a tad boy crazy, with a good time because she plans to live it up on the water and off, with no regrets.
Taking on the long hot river by day and partying even harder at night, the river’s sexy and adventurous raft guides must paddle through demanding raft bosses, volatile relationships, and tipsy clients…