Discovery Reminds Us the World is Still Awesome
During these unprecedented times, Discovery’s message is one of optimism and a reminder that even when faced with incredible challenges – we can continue to make the world just as awesome as ever.
Over a decade ago, Discovery Channel launched one of its most iconic ads of all time, The World is Just Awesome. The video featured crowds of people from around the world, catchy lyrics, and some of the network’s most recognizable faces including DIRTY JOBS host Mike Rowe. Today, Discovery launched a new campaign – with a spin on this original classic, proving the world is still as awesome as ever as most of us continue to shelter in place.
The latest video continues on the powerful message from 12 years ago while reflecting the current world and Discovery’s line-up of its most recognizable talent, including Rowe who once again makes a cameo.
The message is one of optimism and a reminder that even when faced with incredible challenges – we can continue to make the world just as awesome as ever.